Tips For A Healthier Life

Who wouldn’t like to live a longer, happier and healthier life?

Discipline when it comes to your body and care are the primary concerns you should always focus on.

Some tips include:

– Eat breakfast every morning. Breakfast eaters are champions of good health. Research shows people who have a morning meal tend to take in more vitamins and minerals and less fat and cholesterol. The result is often a leaner body, lower cholesterol count, and less chance of overeating.

– Add Fish and Omega-E Fatty Acids to your diet. The AHA recommends a servicing of fish two times per week. Besides a good source of protein and a food relatively low in the bad type of dietary fat called saturated fat, fish has omega-3 fatty acids — which have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease.

– Get enough sleep, your body has to have enough time to rest. Otherwise, you may find yourself feeling cranky and tired. This may sound like common sense, but according to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), more than two-thirds of older adults suffer from sleep problems and many don’t get the minimum amount of shuteye needed to stay alert. Sleep is vital to good health.

– Make social connections, volunteer, join a club, whatever you do, do it with people. Communal activities are good for your physical and mental health.

– Exercise for better health. We already know that physical activity has a bounty of benefits, which makes it so puzzling why so many people just don’t do it. In case you needed an incentive, here is a review of the advantages of exercise, per the National Cancer Institute:

• Helps control weight.
• Maintains healthy bones, muscles, and joints.
• Reduces risk of developing high blood pressure and diabetes.
• Promotes psychological well-being.
• Reduces risk of death from heart disease.
• Reduces risk of premature death.
• Studies have also shown a link between exercise and a reduced risk of certain cancers.

– Practice good dental hygiene. Flossing your teeth every day could add years to your life. The mouth, after all, is an integral part of the body. Researchers suspect that the bacteria that produce dental plaque enter the bloodstream. They say these bacteria are somehow associated with the inflammation that occurs with plaque that blocks blood vessels and causes heart disease.

– Take up a hobby, pursue outside one’s regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation. Since they are relaxing activities, hobbies are usually enjoyable. Some people find joy in craftwork, bird watching, sports, walking in the park, or playing cards. The joy may help people live healthier and recover better from illness.

– Protect your skin. Our skin starts to age as soon as we are born and, according to the ADD (American Academy of Dermatology, the best way to protect it and look younger is to stay out of the sun. The sun has harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays that can cause wrinkles, dryness, and age spots. Overexposure can cause sunburn, skin texture changes, dilated blood vessels, and skin cancers.

– Snack the healthy way. The ADA recommends five or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day as part of a healthy diet. These plant foods can do many things to boost good health, including:

• Reduce the risk of some cancers.
• Beat the signs of aging.
• Improve memory.
• Promote heart health.
• Enhance the immune system.

– Drink water and eat dairy, water and milk are essential fluids for good health. The body needs water to keep properly hydrated and individuals vary widely in how much water they need. Joints need it to stay in motion, and vital organs such as the heart, brain, kidney, and liver need it to work properly. The calcium in dairy, on the other hand, is known to be important for strong bones and teeth. Studies have also shown it can help prevent high blood pressure, kidney stones, heart disease, and colon cancer.

– Drink tea, there is some evidence that tea may help in improving memory and preventing cancer and heart disease. One of the beneficial effects of tea is particularly the potential antioxidant effect.

– Take a daily walk. Exercise has significant merits; however there are tips on how to incorporate physical activity into your daily life: WALK. We’re not talking about taking the time out of your busy schedule to work out – that’s important, too, but infusing life and limb-saving movement into your waking hours.

– Protect yourself and your family. Wash hands to stop spread of germs, be ready for emergencies, gathering emergency supplies. Stay informed.

– Manage stress. Balance work, home and play. Stay positive and take time to relax.

– Get check-ups. Ask your doctor or nurse how you can lower your risk for health problems. Find out that exams, tests, and shots you need and when to get them.

And PLAN. There is perhaps, no better word in the English language to better illustrate how you can incorporate healthy habits into your everyday life.

For the most part, neither do good fitness, skin protection, healthy teeth, weight loss, and social ties. Many of these habits take effort that need to be scheduled into busy lives.